Internal Review

The right in the Act to apply for internal review only relates to the FOI access and correction provisions, not the Privacy provisions.

For information on how to complain about a breach of the IPPs or another interference with your privacy, you can read Privacy Make an Inquiry or Complaint.

  • A person aggrieved by an initial decision about an FOI access or correction application can apply for internal review of the initial decision by another person within the organisation. That includes a decision to charge a fee for providing access. (This only applies to an initial decision made on or after 1 July 2004.)

  • You should make an application for internal review within 30 days of receiving the notice of the initial decision. If you do not, the organisation can refuse to deal with the application and it will be taken to have refused the application.

  • The organisation should provide you with details about how to apply. You apply to the organisation that made the initial decision. You do not have to fill out an application form. But your application must:

    • be in writing
    • specify the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence
    • identify the decision and the application on which it was made
    • set out the reasons why the applicant is seeking review.
  • You should receive a notice of the internal review decision within 30 days of the organisation receiving the application. The organisation may contact you before making a decision in order to discuss your application. The organisation may decide to confirm, vary or revoke the initial decision.

    If you are not satisfied with the internal review decision, or you have not been notified of an internal review decision within the time allowed, you can complain to the Information Commissioner. You should make a complaint to the Information Commissioner within 90 days of receiving notice of the internal review decision.